Organised by the National Autistic Society, World Autism Awareness Week is a time to raise awareness, promote inclusion and generate funds for autism ‘until everyone understands’. There are a range of ways you can get involved in the community, at work or at school.
At Beam ABA Services, we help to improve the lives of young people with complex behavioural needs such as autism, using the science-based practice of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).
On this page, you can read about Erma and Leon’s story. After receiving a diagnosis of autism last December, Erma and Leon started a parent-led online ABA programme, with improvements in Leon’s behaviour already evident.
Q&A with an ABA Consultant
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We’re pleased to be speakers and exhibitors at this year’s Autism Shows in London (16th – 17th June), Birmingham (23rd – 24th June) and Manchester (30th – 1st July).
Our clinical team will be available throughout the show to talk to you about any questions you may have about ABA or our services.
If you want to book an appointment to come and see us at the show, please get in touch below.
ABA: What is Reinforcement?
Transition to Adulthood: Supporting Young People with Autism
Erma and Leon's Story
Free Parent Training
On this page...
ABA blogs
We have created a unique library of eLearning created to give parents/carers a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of ABA.
Try our free taster sessions today.
“The best thing is seeing how Leon has grown closer to our family. In particular with my husband, who only now, after following the programme with me, has the close bond with Leon that perhaps eluded him previously. Leon no longer pinches my husband. This is incredible. He no longer pinches my husband! And Leon will now go to him; he never did that before. He is responding to the therapy in a way I couldn’t have predicted.”
Read blogs from two of our ABA practitioners below. You can find out more about their articles, and watch a short video on each topic, further down the page.
Here you can submit an enquiry regarding our services.
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Useful Links
ABA: What is Reinforcement?
Catherine Browne, ABA Consultant, MA BCBA, Beam ABA Services
You wake up with a headache so you get up and take an aspirin. Shortly afterwards your headache is gone. In the future, when you get a headache you take an aspirin straight away.
Your phone beeps and you see it’s a message from a friend. You tap to open the message and it’s a funny video that makes you laugh. In the future when the same friend contacts you, you tap to open their message.
Both these examples demonstrate reinforcement as they resulted in an increase of the behaviours reoccurring. These examples also show us two different types of reinforcement: positive and negative
Cormac Duffy
Registered Manager, BA, MSc
Catherine Browne
ABA Consultant, MA BCBA
Welcome to World Autism Awareness Week 2017!
You can also find a range of useful blogs, videos and links from Beam’s team of expert ABA Consultants. For those looking to find out more about ABA therapy, we’ve created an insightful infographic exploring how ABA works.
World Autism Awareness Week
27 March - 2 April 2017
Erma Moncho lives in East London. When her son Leonardo was three he was diagnosed with Autism Syndrome Disorder. To Erma, this wasn’t a huge surprise. It was more like relief: to finally have the diagnosis meant she could stop wondering.
Read about Erma and her son Leon’s journey with Beam ABA’s Pathfinder service - and how it has helped the whole family.
The Autism Show
What is ABA?
Find out below
Transition to Adulthood: Supporting Young People with Autism
Cormac Duffy, Registered Manager, BA, MSc, Beam ABA Services
People often say that once they become parents, they never stop worrying about their child no matter how old they become. For parents of children with a diagnosis of autism, there are other things to worry about: the type of support their son or daughter may receive, and how long this support is likely to continue for, as examples. The term “transition” is often used for young people with complex needs. Transitioning from one service provider to another. Transitioning from a primary school into a secondary school. But the transition from childhood to adulthood, which often time coincides with secondary school coming to an end, is one that receives particular attention. A lot is being done. A lot more remains outstanding to do.
In partnership with ABAA4All
Catherine explains our ABA Pathfinder programme. Using video technology, ABA Pathfinder brings an MSc/BCBA accredited ABA Consultant into family homes at a fraction of the cost of other programmes.
Cormac gives some more details about his blog; Transition to Adulthood: Supporting Young People with Autism